Be Content
“I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11). The Apostle Paul, deprived of every comfort, wrote the above words while in his dungeon.
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A story is told of a king who went in his garden one morning, and found everything withering and dying.
He asked the oak that stood near the gate what the trouble was. He found it was sick of life and determined to die, because it was not tall and beautiful like the pine. The pine was disheartened because it could not bear grapes, like the vine.
The vine was going to throw its life away because it could not stand erect and have as fine fruit as the peach tree. The geranium was fretting because it was not tall and fragrant like the lilac; and so on through all the garden.
Coming to a little daisy, he found its bright face lifted as cheery as ever. “Well, daisy, I’m glad, amidst all this discouragement, to find one brave little flower. You do not seem to be the least disheartened.”
“No, I am not of much account, but I thought if you wanted an oak, or a pine, or a peach tree, or a lilac, you would have planted one. But I knew you wanted a daisy, so I am determined to be the best little daisy that I can.”
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From one deaf and blind from childhood, the following words give us a glimpse of Helen Keller’s happy heart: “Is it not true that my life, with all its limitations, touches at many points the beauty in life? Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. Sometimes, it is true, a sense of isolation enfolds me like a cold mist as I sit alone and wait at life’s shut gate. Beyond there is light and music and sweet companionship, but I may not enter.,.. Silence sits immense upon my soul.
“Then comes Hope with a smile and whispers, ‘There is joy in self-forgetfulness.’ So I try to make the light in others’ eyes my sun, the music in others’ ears my symphony, the smile on others’ lips my happiness.”
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“I’d rather be in the heart of Africa in the will of God than on the throne of England out of the will of God.”
- David Livingstone
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Faith in God, trust in God, gives you a feeling of rest of body, peace of mind, contentment of heart, and spiritual well-being.
- David Brandt Berg
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Your present situation may not be to your liking. Perhaps you are dissatisfied and discouraged. Put the matter in God’s hands. If He wants you elsewhere, He will lead you there, providing you are yielded to His Will.
But perhaps He wants you where you are. In that case, He will help you to adjust to the situation. If you yield to Him, He will make you content, even grateful for present opportunities.
Learn the great art of doing the best you can, with what you have, where you are. When you do this, you will either be content with how things are, or you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have made them better.
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Think of the things that make you happy,
Not the things that make you sad;
Think of the fine and true in Mankind,
Not its sordid side and bad;
Think of the blessings that surround you,
Not the ones that are denied;
Think of the virtues of your friendships,
Not the weak and faulty side.
Think of the gains you’ve made in business,
Not the losses you’ve incurred;
Think of the good of you that’s spoken,
Not some cruel, hostile word;
Think of the days of health and pleasure,
Not the days of woe and pain;
Think of the days alive with sunshine,
Not the dismal days of rain.
Think of the hopes that lie before you,
Not the waste that lies behind;
Think of the treasures you have gathered,
Not the ones you’ve failed to find;
Think of the service you may render,
Not of serving self alone;
Think of the happiness of others,
And in this you’ll find your own!
- Author Unknown
Be Content!, Copyright © 1998-2012, The Family International