In the days before the Civil War in the United States, a young black girl was being sold at an auction. She was a beautiful girl, tall and slender. The bidding was intense, and quickly mounted higher and higher until at last only two were left vying for her ownership: one a coarse man who cursed and swore as he raised his bids against the other, a dignified gentleman. Finally the bidding stopped, and to the quiet man who had so earnestly bid were given the papers which made him the lawful owner of the young girl.

With a shove the auctioneer presented her to her new master. She stood defiantly before him, hating him with every fibre of her being. Suddenly a change came over her face; a look of amazement changed to incredulity as she saw her owner ripping up the papers of ownership. With a kind smile he said, “My dear, you are free. I bought you that I might free you.”

Too stunned for speech, the girl merely stared until finally she threw herself at his feet, crying out with tears and happiness, “Oh master! I’ll love and serve you all my life!”

What the papers of ownership could not do, the man’s kindness had won completely.

Someone has loved you and has “paid” for you with His life!-A high price indeed! By suffering a cruel death in your place, Jesus paid the price that was necessary for the bonds of evil to be loosed from you. Whatever has bound you-your past, your sins, your weaknesses-He has broken those bonds, and all you need to do to experience the freedom He gives is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Master, to invite Him into your heart and to let Him have His way in your life. He has “bought” you, so that He can set you free.

“Ye are bought with a price…. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (1 Corinthians 6:20; John 8:36, KJV).

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When I came to believe in Christ’s teaching, I ceased desiring what I had wished for before. The direction of my life, my desires, became different. What was good & bad changed places.

- Leo Tolstoy

Love Is

Love is the filling from one’s own,
Another’s cup;
Love is the daily laying down
And taking up;

A choosing of the stony path
Through each new day,
That other feet may tread with ease
A smoother way.

Love is not blind, but looks abroad
Through other eyes;
And asks not, “Must I give?” but “May
I sacrifice?”

Love hides its grief, that other hearts
And lips may sing;
And burdened walks, that other lives
May buoyant wing.

Hast thou a love like this that dwells
Within thy soul?
‘Twill crown thy life with bliss when thou
Dost reach the goal.

-Author Unknown

Dost thou so love and give to all
To such degree?
“Nay,” thou answeredst still, “alas,
“‘Tis not in me.”

But from our meagre store, ’tis true,
We cannot share
Such wealth unless Another puts
This love in there.

Dost ask Who puts a love
So great within?
The Prince of Peace Who loved and gave!-
Now I love Him.

In loving Him my soul has found
Its joy and rest;
Through Him I give to others of
His love, His best.

-Chloe West

Love’s Gift, Copyright © 1998-2012, The Family International